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tower tarot card

The Tower Tarot card or the most terrifying card in the deck generally indicates chaos and survival. The flaming tower image with the devil shows the destruction which needs to be done in order to move forward.

The Tower Card Upright Meaning

The Tower card in upright position indicates abuse, violence, natural disaster, loss, tragedies. In short, all the things you should be afraid of. If this card shows that means big changes are on their way to your life. So, you can use these indicators to prepare yourself for dealing with them. 

The Tower Card Upright Meaning in Love 

Your relationship might take some wrong turns in the coming days. The Tower in an upright manner indicates a separation, breakup, or even a divorce. So, if your relationship is going through a rough time you need to prepare yourself to survive the upcoming destruction. But it can also mean the destruction might eliminate the reason that is damaging your relationship and you both will come close after a hard time.

The Tower Card Upright Meaning in Career

You need to prepare yourself for a laying over or big changes in your career. That means that you’ll have to handle stress at a workplace or business which might frustrate you.

The Tower Card Upright Meaning in Money 

It’s an indication to prepare your finances and savings for your sudden losses so you can rely on them and pass that time.

The Tower Card Reversed Meaning

Tower card in reversed position shows resistance or avoidance of things. So, this card tells that you need to stop resistance and face the hardships to start the new beginning. 

The Tower Card Reversed meaning in Love.

If you’re in a relationship and experiencing distantness, pain, and not doing anything about it. This card indicates that towards making adjustments to your relationship and let your partner know how you feel or leave the weak relationship.

The Tower Card Reversed Meaning in Career
You may be feeling secured about your current job and career but you need to stay prepared for the worst. This card indicates that your career might take some unexpected turns which can put you in a vulnerable position. So, if you’re thinking you’re past the layoffs, that’s not true.

The Tower Card Reversed Meaning in Money

The Tower Tarot Card reversed signifies the acceptance and declaration of financial defeat. Most of the time we try so hard for survival but in reality, we don’t make any progress and get the delayed defeat. So, this card suggests that you need to accept it to find peace. For example; you’re just invested in a property you can’t afford so you should sell it.

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