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Trying to figure out love’s complexities can leave you with more questions than answers. You can get profound insights into love’s complexity with love tarot readings in these moments of uncertainty. If you’re curious about what he’s thinking, whether he loves you, or what he really feels about you, our free love tarot readings can help you uncover the truth. Discover the secrets of love by getting a tarot reading below.

First Card: Your feelings Second Card:His/her feelings? Third Card: Future

What does the Death Tarot Card Mean?
In the upright Death Tarot card, we can see a skeleton wearing body armor riding a beautiful white horse. The skeleton symbolizes survival, armor shows the power that death is unbeatable and the Beautiful White house denotes the purity of life. The overall representation of the death tarot card is not negative at all. It is often misunderstood, and that’s the reason people usually fear this card. However, it indicates the transformation of life.

The Death Card meaning in Love
The Upright Death Card expresses the ongoing relationship complications. It indicates that things among the partners are not going well. If one wants to continue or improve their relationship, he/she needs to put some effort into changing and lifting things up. Sometimes, this card also indicates the end of the relationship. It’s the transformation from one love life to another one.
The Death Card Meaning in Career
If you’re not satisfied with your career and things are not in the right direction, upright Death Cards indicate the career change. That means you need to put an end to the frustration and should stop following that career. The current career might be offering you stability and safe financial outcomes, but it’s eating you from the inside, and you must change it. When you close this door, the next door will be opened for you, which will offer you more comfort.

The Death Card Meaning in Money
Suppose you’re struggling with the money or bearing a loss in your business or any other financial resources. In that case, that is the signal of the transformation of your relationship with the money. This card indicates a learning lesson from this situation, which will help you in tackling your money problems.

The Death Card Meaning in Health
Taking about the heath, you must be panicking that this card may indicate physical death. It does but in rare cases. Instead, most of the time, this card is pointing towards unhealthy activities that could improve your health if left. These activities include alcohol consumption, bad food choices, etc.

The reversed death card meaning is also transformation but the only difference in the reverse card is that it indicates those changes that one has been avoiding and showing resistance about.

The Death Card Reversed meaning in Love:
Suppose your relationship has come to a stop where you’re no longer helping each other. In that case, the reversed death card indicates that you can revive this relationship by putting in dynamic efforts.

The Death Card Reversed Meaning in Career:
You’re not doing well in a job or business but still pushing hard to survive or hold on to that job. This resistance has been stopped, and you need to accept the change for a better career.

temperance tarot card

Temperance Tarot card consists of an unidentifiable angel whose gender, whose one foot is dipped in water and the other foot in one dry land, which signals towards the gender balance and materialistic world. There are two cups in Angel’s hand with flowing water representing the union and flow of our world. Altogether Temperance Tarot card symbolizes the balance.

Temperance Card Upright Meaning:
Temperance in the upright position signifies inner peace, calmness, relationships, and patience. This card emphasis finding inner peace to improve your life and relationships within the world.

Temperance Card Upright Meaning in Love :
Temperance in an upright position is the most loved card by the couples as it signifies the perfect balance of love in the relationship. If you’re in a relationship, this is an indicator that this relationship will last, and no misunderstanding or problems can harm it. But if you’re single, this indicates that you need to learn to balance life so your soul mate can enter it. After doing that, the world automatically pushes the right partner towards you.

Temperance Card Upright Meaning in Career:
Temperance in an upright manager indicates that patience will help you succeed in your career or any other goals related to it. If you’re going through a rough phase, it indicates to remain calm and work patiently.

Temperance Card Upright Meaning in Money:
You need to find a balance in your spending to make your money. If you’re spending most of your resources, this card indicates that you should start saving and spending slowly.

Temperance Card Reversed Meaning:
Temperance reversed card indicates the opposite of balance that means that you’re behaving recklessly and you need to handle it, or it may lead to damages in your life.

Temperance Card Reversed meaning in Love :
Suppose you’re having regular clashes with your couple in a relationship. In that case, this card indicates that it’s happening due to the imbalances like one is being more carrying, loving and another partner have started taking it for granted. So, both need to resolve it by balancing the relationship.

Temperance Card Reversed Meaning in Career:
Either you’re working unnecessarily hard or not hard enough at your job or career, resulting in delayed results. This card indicates that for a successful career, you should start finding the right balance. It might include a good relationship with your co-worker and boss.

Temperance Card Reversed Meaning in Money:
You need to slow down your spending and start making a wise investment. But those investments shouldn’t be made impulsively.

the hierophant tarot card

The Hierophant tarot card is based on a society that functions according to conventional norms. The core idea behind this card is that it represents things being done legitimately, which people will follow and accept.

The Hierophant card meaning in love:
When you set out in search of true love, you can rest assured that your efforts will not go wasted. This is because you will most likely engage in a healthy relationship that will be based on a long-term commitment.

The Hierophant card meaning in career:
If you want to be successful in your career, you should avoid shortcuts at all costs. You’ll be much better off provided you take the challenging path to success.

The Hierophant card meaning in money:
Searching for unconventional ways of generating money will only drain you out. Try and figure out how other people are making money and what steps they’re taking to generate their income.

The Hierophant card meaning in health:
You will start experiencing good health once you try out the conventional means of healing. Also, try to incorporate daily exercise into your routine to enhance your immune system.

The Hierophant card reversed meaning in love:

At times a relationship can end up not conforming to the conventional norms. It’s a relationship based on inequality between the partners due to distinct genders. As a result, this can lead to a broken partnership.

The Hierophant card reversed meaning in career:
In the workplace, there can sometimes be an imbalance of power in the hierarchical chain of command. The directors or managers may use their power to make employers obey and follow their principles.

The Hierophant card reversed meaning in money:
People may give you advice in terms of earning a better living. For the most part, seeking advice is not a bad thing. However, it’s best to stick to what you’re most comfortable with, no matter how tempting other money-making ventures may seem.

Flip All Cards

Trying to figure out love’s complexities can leave you with more questions than answers. You can get profound insights into love’s complexity with love tarot readings in these moments of uncertainty. If you’re curious about what he’s thinking, whether he loves you, or what he really feels about you, our free love tarot readings can help you uncover the truth. Discover the secrets of love by getting a tarot reading below.

Free Love Tarot: What Is He Thinking?

Would you like to know what’s going on inside his head? Get a deeper understanding of what he thinks and means with our free love tarot reading. This reading is all about revealing what he’s thinking about you. You can get clarity on hidden emotions and unspoken words with the cards.

Does He Love Me Tarot Reading

It’s always hard to know if your lover loves you. Our tarot reading will give you the answer. We’ll look at his cards and find out what’s going on. We can tell if he’s in love, or if he’s in a deep affection, or if he’s feeling something entirely different.

What Does He Think of Me Tarot Reading

In any relationship, you need to know how he sees you. This tarot reading delves into his thoughts about you, giving you a glimpse into his perspective. This reading lets you see your connection from his point of view, whether you’re his soulmate, a close friend, or something else.

Tarot: What He Feels for You

This tarot reading examines what he feels for you in order to gain a deeper understanding of his emotions. It can reveal intense feelings, affection, and more. Knowing how he truly feels will strengthen your bond and give you the assurance you need.

What Does He Think About ?

The way a person thinks and perceives things can make a big difference in a relationship. Our tarot reading digs into how your partner perceives and judges you.

Does He Like Me Tarot Spread

Our tarot spread tells you if he likes you romantically or not. We’ll reveal subtle hints and emotions below the surface.

During a love tarot reading, we assist you in navigating the intricate web of emotions, doubts, and queries that may arise in a relationship. In addition to providing reassurance, clarity, and answers, our tarot readings help you better understand his emotions and your relationship.

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