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Humans have been created as social creatures. They crave other human’s contact and closeness. That’s why having healthy relationships in one’s life is so important. Relationships bring joy to your life. They give you someone to share all your worries and happiness with. Relationships, even if they bring joy, can also bring confusion and uncertainties in your life. You can not always be sure that the relationship with your friend or your loved one, which is so precious to you, holds the same meaning in their life. Or whether you are going to have that one lasting relation with your soulmate. Finding answers to these questions can be difficult but not impossible. Relationship tarot spread can help you find all the answers that you are searching for regarding your relationship.  

1- Future Relationship Card Spread 

If you are wondering about whether you are going to be with the person you are crushing on. Then you need the help of a professional psychic who can read your future tarot relationship tarot spread. This spread will not only tell you the future possibility of being in a relationship but also assess the future of your current relationship. 

This is the six card tarot spread and the meaning of each card listed below;

Relationships are not easy to navigate. There could be many hidden and apparent obstacles in your life. However, relationship tarot spread can help you understand how to carefully steer your relationship. 

Click on the card twice to read the description

hermit tarot card

The Hermit Tarot Card generally represents accomplishments, wisdom, and authority. If you’re a wanderer, this card will help you in seeking the right answers.

The Hermit Card Upright Meaning
The Hermit card in upright position signals for introspection, contempt, and self-reflection. This card tells you that you should get out of the crowd and start spending time alone to explore yourself. It also points out taking a break from the daily grind. If you’re going through mental pressure, this is the right time to consult a psychiatrist.

The Hermit Card Upright Meaning in Love
Love is among the greatest mysteries of life, and your relationship with your partner often gets complicated at a certain stage. The Hermit card in upright position signals towards the soul-searching and necessity of spending some time alone for the betterment of the relationship. We can only treat or love the other person better when we know ourselves better.

The Hermit Card Upright Meaning in Career
If you’re putting maximum effort into your career and your full focus is on worldly pursuits, this card suggests taking a break for yourself, or you’ll soon lose the motivation to do work.

The Hermit Card Upright Meaning in Money
It’s time to realize that money and other materialistic things won’t bring your joy, satisfaction, and happiness. You need to divert your focus to yourself and start finding what you truly desire.

The Hermit Card Reversed Meaning
The Hermit card in reversed position represents loneliness, reclusion, rejection. It signals you towards self-examination to tackle your circumstances that can be in shape or continuous rejection or loneliness.

The Hermit Card Reversed meaning in Love
If you’re in a relationship and feeling distant from your partner, that is completely fine. All you need is some time alone to focus on yourself, working on your goals, and understand what you really want from this relationship and your partner. This will enable you to strengthen your relationship, and you’ll feel the true connection with your partner once again.

The Hermit Card Reversed Meaning in Career
It the time to start thinking straight about what you really want to do with your career or business. Suppose you’re finding a new job. This card signals realignment with mentors or wise people. If you’re already working somewhere, there card signals towards stop working with a team and be on your own. You might feel lonely, but this is the result better for your career.

The Hermit Card Reversed Meaning in Money
Now is the perfect time to take a big step after seeking advice or consulting someone for any business or job. This card signals towards the success that you’ll get a good return on investment or you’ll become further strong financially.

the moon tarot card

If the moon appears as one of the last cards in your reading, it indicates that your soul’s journey is coming to an end. rd, You should isolate yourself from distractions and turn into your inner world for a long journey of discovery. You may have many unanswered questions in mind about love, career or health, and the answers you are looking for are inside you. To find answers, You just need to focus on your inner world and isolate yourself from outside distractions. The moon card may also be telling you not to let your fears interrupt your love & life goals.


The moon card is a strong indication of new decisions, new paths, or a desire for change. If your partner is not willing to change you could decide separating. If you are not in a relationship but have strong interest in somebody, watch out. Your interest may have a secret agenda.

The reversed moon card can be an indication of the imbalance in your life. It may also be a suggestion for you to seek assistance from a professional or a loved one around you.


You may be experiencing some difficulties with your coworkers at your workplace, try to communicate with them. Clarifying things may be difficult sometimes but it is essential to find the balance in your career. If you are currently unemployed, do not feel lost. Always try to explore new opportunities. You will eventually find something that fits you.


This may be an indication of an unhealthy mental state . Speaking to a health professional or a loved one can turn things around.

The Lovers card consists of two lovers, a man and a woman. There is an angel between whose blessing and protecting them. The couple is nude, and their body posture shows that they are happy and secured. This card generally signifies the temptation, balance, and union between two opposite forces.

The Lovers Card Upright Meaning:
The Lovers card in the upright position overall represents the Soul mates, relationships, desires, and sexual connections. This helps one to understand what he values in his life. So, you can make better choices and bring your life the right balance.
The Lovers Card Upright Meaning in Love :
We all make sacrifices for something we love. This card signals the same that you need to make sacrifices to have true love. The love can be in between partners, friends, and even families. If you’re not doing well in a relationship with any single of them, you need to sacrifice your ego or yourself to make the relationships work.

The Lovers Card Upright Meaning in Career:
If you’re looking for a partner in your business, this card may be a signal for the right one. This partnership would be successful for both of you. But there would surely risk attached with it which you must intend to take.

The Lovers Card Upright Meaning in Money :
As humans, we all are afraid to take risks. Especially the financial risks because they can make or break the person. The Lovers card in the upright position signals to make big decisions now. You might need to choose between several investments. So, take risks and choose wisely. It will open new doors for you.

The Lovers card reversed indicates trusting issues and conflicts. Sometimes these things ruin relationships, and we find ourselves clueless that what to do—this card aids in making those critical decisions.

The Lovers Card Reversed meaning in Love:
Is your relationship has lost all its warmth and become cold? The reversed Lovers card indicates the detached partner and signals towards the imbalanced relationship. You need to make efforts and resolve the issues to get closer to each other once again.

The Lovers Card Reversed Meaning in Career:
Conflicts among partners and colleagues bring disaster to business or the workplace. This card indicates you should work on them and ensure that you and your partner are on the same page prior to making any business arrangement; otherwise, the business might cause you a huge loss.

The Lovers Card Reversed Meaning in Money:
If you’re being driven by your impulses and squandering money, this card is the signal that your financial position might get compromised soon. So, it’s time to make the wises choices and spend your money more responsively on the things you can genuinely afford.

The Sun Tarot card generally represents positivity, optimism and feelings of fulfilment. When the card is in the upright position, it signals that joy and happiness are coming to you. It also represents success and confidence. So, continue whatever you’re doing, and you’ll be getting the joy of success soon.

The Upright Sun Card meaning in Love :
An upright sun card represents the successful relationship and signals towards making your relationship better by putting more efforts to get close to each other. If you’re single, this card shows that it’s the perfect time to start a relationship.

The Upright Sun Card Meaning in Career:
If you’re switching to a new job or investing in any new business, it signifies that you stay optimistic as you’ll be getting success and happiness.

The Upright Sun Card Meaning in Money:
If you’re financially stables and things have been working out of your latest, then you’ll be soon revealing some hidden factor for that you should keep some money at the side.

The Upright Sun Card Meaning in Health:
If you’re perfectly healthy, the sun card represents you should be grateful and stay away from the unhealthy activities. In case one is going through health problems, that problems would leave you soon.

The Sun Card Reversed Meaning

The Sun card reversed represents a lack of enthusiasm, sadness, depression, pessimism, and unrealistic expectations. But this card doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re in a bad situation, but it indicates your feelings and your focus on negativity. In short, you’re losing the sight and being unrealistic, which you must tackle.

The Sun Card Reversed meaning in Love

The sun shines bright even after getting blocked by the clouds temporarily. So, if you’re in a relationship with someone, you might be facing some issues with your partner or not feeling the love and happiness, but the reversed sun signals that thing will be sorted out soon, and you’ll be happy once again. If you’re single, this card represents a relationship is in your way, and you should accept it.

The Sun Card Reversed Meaning in Career

Being human, we are sometimes played by our thoughts, which results in missing and ignoring the things in front of us. A reversed sun card suggests that you may feel exhausted at your workplace due to certain circumstances like a promotion you deserve. Besides getting depressed over it or walking out of the situation, you should bring this matter to your boss and request your promotion.

the star tarot card

The star tarot card reflects a sense of optimism. This means that one can always expect things to work out even if situations seem dire. If you possess this Arcana card, you will feel more motivated and inspired to take on a challenge, no matter how difficult it may be.

The Star Card meaning in Love:
If you’ve previously been in a relationship that made you feel bad or upset, you shouldn’t be bothered about it anymore. The star card suggests that someone better is awaiting you.

Whoever this person is, you’ll be ready to meet them with a positive and happy mindset.

The Star Card meaning in Career:
Searching for the perfect career path is something that you should not stress over. Many opportunities will be coming your way, and some of them will come in the most unexpected of ways. So be patient and optimistic as greatness is destined for you.
The Star Card meaning in Money:

If you’re in a tight spot financially, you should be spending your money in a well-thought-out manner. To be more specific, you should be investing rather than simply spending. Therefore, look for profitable opportunities you could invest your money in. For all you know, you might just hit the jackpot.

The Star card meaning in Health:
If you constantly feel sick or ill, don’t worry. All your ailments will soon fade away. The star card indicates that good health will come your way, and you’ll be feeling better in no time.

The reverse aspect of love suggests that you no longer feel the same energy in your relationship as before. In other words, you’re no longer confident about the relationship, which makes you want to give up on it.

The Star Card reversed meaning in Career:
Carrying out your everyday routine might have gotten boring for you. You might find the monotonous tasks of your job to be discouraging or unrewarding.

The Star Card reversed meaning in Money:
If you haven’t been able to grow financially, there might be a possibility that you’re doing something wrong. You should review your money-making strategies and see how you could improve them. Things might not work out at first, but remember every cloud has a silver lining.

the high priestess

The High Priestess card constitutes the inherent qualities of inner wisdom. This means that all of us possess wisdom which is derived from mistakes and learning experiences. This tarot card also emphasizes the role of gut feelings and instincts when it comes to dealing with day-to-day situations.

The high priestess card meaning in love:
It’s natural for men to be attracted to women. However, an attractive woman may not be easily attainable for men. It will be difficult for a man to express his feelings to the woman he desires.

The high priestess card meaning in career:
The job that you’ve always dreamt of is slowly coming your way. In other words, you will soon be equipped with the knowledge that will lead you towards a successful career. Your creativity will also play a huge role when you start climbing the ladder of success.

The high priestess card meaning in money :
When you start earning a steady income, you should avoid disclosing it to friends and family. At times, people can often use such confidential information against you just for personal gain.

The high priestess card meaning in health :
Taking time out for the things you like to do is important. Sometimes you might feel like going for a walk, and at other times, you might feel like eating something scrumptious. Listen to what your mind requires and fulfill those needs as soon as possible.

The high priestess card reversed meaning in love:
It’s quite possible that you have an attractive personality that someone admires. But you don’t know if you should let this person into your life or not. You might start questioning their intentions which could lead to second thoughts.

The high priestess card reversed meaning in career:
A 9-5 job is not easy. It can make you feel as if you’ve drifted away from reality. You start to feel isolated and alone, which makes you unproductive and lazy.

The high priestess card reversed meaning in money:
Always think about your financial position before you borrow money from someone. Unless you’re certain that you’ll be able to repay the lending party, you should try to find another way to build up finance.

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#2: New Relationship Card Spread 

If you have recently started a new romantic relationship and are confused about your relationship dynamic and future, then this spread is for you. This is the 4 Cards-based spread that tells you about the future of your current relationship. This spread will help you discover what’s in store for you and your partner in this new relationship. 

The cards of the relationship tarot spread are:

This card represents your feelings and how you feel about your new partner and relationship. 

This card is to define your partner’s feelings. What does the other person feel for you, and how this new relationship is affecting them. 

This card depicts what your relationship dynamic is, how things are going to work for you in this new relationship. 

Card 04 is very important in this spread. It shows you the future of your relationship, whether it’s going to be a happy, healthy one or going to be a toxic relationship.

chariot tarot card

The Chariot Tarot card contains the two sphinxes that are driving a person sitting in a vehicle. One is black, and another one is white. This card generally represents the influence, ambition, willpower, control, focus, and hard work.

The Chariot Card Upright Meaning
The Chariot card in the upright position signifies success and willpower. It suggests that besides the regular obstacles of life, you need to stay focused in order to be successful. With that, it also signals for traveling. If you’re a sportsperson, it is a signal for winning your next match.

The Chariot Card Upright Meaning in Love
If your relationship is going through a rough phase, this card suggests you and your partner should come together and conquer the emotions to make your relationship work. If you’re a single person, the card indicates that you need to move ahead in life, leaving the past bad experiences behind.

The Chariot Card Upright Meaning in Career
Stay ambitioned even though you feel stuck in your career or business. This card indicates that you should clear your mind and stay focused at work which would ultimately help you to reach your destination. It also suggests staying away from any kind of workplace politics and fights.

The Chariot Card Upright Meaning in Money
If you’re facing money obstacles, but don’t worry more as they are about to leave. All you need is to stay focused and deal with them calmly. Don’t lose your self-discipline in the process. And if you’re not having a money problem. This card signifies making better investment choices now for a safe future.

The Chariot Card Reversed Meaning
The Chariot card in reverse position signifies the lack of direction, powerlessness, aggression, and obstacles. If you’re losing focus or feeling stuck, this card will help signals making the right decisions.

The Chariot Card Reversed meaning in Love.
Just lost a relationship or failing to make your relationship work? The Chariot card in reverse position indicates that you should stop feeling overwhelmed as you cannot control everything in life. Stay patient and let things settle themselves if you’re single or desperately finding someone for a relationship, this card signals to stay patient and let love find you.

The Chariot Card Reversed Meaning in Career
Are you trying to beat the odds and working much aggressively? This card suggests to stop that and take one step at a time, or you’ll face failure in your career or business.

The Chariot Card Reversed Meaning in Money
Thinking of investing some money to get quick gains, you need to slow down a bit. As this card suggests, these fast investments could cause financial losses. So, consider doing research and make the wise investments.

the magician tarot card

Upright position of this card represents creative, skillful individuals. It also indicates personal strength.

The magician tarot card meaning in Love :
If you are in love or have strong interest in someone , you have to show it. Try to break the monotony of your life and express yourself in a creative way.

The magician tarot card meaning in CAREER:
New job opportunities will be coming your way. You will take new projects with high self esteem and positive energy. If you are already employed, this card indicates that you will either get promoted or be assigned new tasks because of your problem solving skills. Your god given talent and skills will help you start a new business / expand your existing business .

The magician tarot card meaning in MONEY:
It looks like you have no problem making money however you have bad spending habits. You are a hard worker, not afraid of doing side gigs . You just need to learn how to manage your finances. This card is not a sign of financial danger. It is a sign for you to change your spending habits.

The magician tarot card meaning in Health
If you are sick or experiencing health issues, you can expect getting better soon.

Beware of new people around you. People you are doing business with maybe cheating on you / lying to you.

If you have a partner, this card indicates that you will start experiencing some issues in your relationship. A recent discussion, thoughtless act by one of you might have caused an uncertainty in your relationship . Your partner thinks that you are egoist and full of yourself. Uncertainty will ruin your relationship. Try to think about how your partner feels , rather than being concerned only about yourself.

This card may also be a sign of a person who frequently changes partners without thinking of what is going to happen tomorrow..

The magician reversed card in
Bad news on A new business project . Obstacles on a business project. Poor performance at work. You are having trouble self questioning and recognizing your mistakes and failures.
The magician reversed card in Health:
If you draw this card along with the fool or judgement card it will represent physical or mental fatigue. Don’t be too hard on yourself, just take it easy. Things like Yoga would relieve your stress.

Strength Tarot card consists of a mature woman holding the jaws of a strong and fully-grown lion. That represents domination, control, bravery, and courage. The lion itself symbolizes courage and survival. So, the card generally connects survival with control and bravery.

Strength Card Upright Meaning
A strength card in the upright position generally represents the person’s ability to overcome distressful situations and the presence of inner strength in him or her.

Strength Card Upright Meaning in Love
A strength card in an upright manner signifies a strong relationship that consists of intense feelings. This type of relationship has its pros and cons, like obsession and jealousy at the same time. So, you need to use your inner strength to tackle the cons of this relationship or your partner, which will further bring both of you to each other.

Strength Card Upright Meaning in Money and Career
If you’re someone whose emotions always lead him or gets in his way of career and business, this card indicates that it needs to be stopped. It’s time you master the skill of self-control and lead your life. You’ve enough skills and courage to do that. If you’ve always wished to run your own business but failed due to emotions and fears of failure, it’s time you take the courage and proceed. Your investment will pay your back, and there will be an inflow of money.

Strength Card Upright Meaning in Health
Are you facing any health issues? This card is a signal that your health is getting better and you’re getting your strength back. So, start training your mind and bring positive changes to your life.

Strength Card Reversed Meaning:

The strength card in the upright position represents self-doubt, vulnerabilities, and a feeling of not being enough or ready. If this card shows up, that means you’re going to experience or already experiencing fear or anger. You’ve forgotten all the good of yourself and life around you, which is weakening you.

Strength Card Reversed meaning in Love:
You need to reduce the dependency on your partner or relationship and incline yourself towards your own interest. It’s important to make your relationship strong. This card may also reflect the domination of one partner on the other.

Strength Card Reversed Meaning in Career and Money:
Are you feeling the continuous fear or stress to move forward in your career or take critical business decisions? This card indicates that your being discourages, and you need to let go of the fear of failure, which will make your career or business successful. You need to invest your money smartly.

Strength Card Reversed Meaning in Health:
This indicates the lack of self-control in managing your desires that are harmful to your health. That may include alcohol consumption, drugs, or bad food choices. Don’t let it control you.

the high priestess

The High Priestess card constitutes the inherent qualities of inner wisdom. This means that all of us possess wisdom which is derived from mistakes and learning experiences. This tarot card also emphasizes the role of gut feelings and instincts when it comes to dealing with day-to-day situations.

The high priestess card meaning in love:
It’s natural for men to be attracted to women. However, an attractive woman may not be easily attainable for men. It will be difficult for a man to express his feelings to the woman he desires.

The high priestess card meaning in career:
The job that you’ve always dreamt of is slowly coming your way. In other words, you will soon be equipped with the knowledge that will lead you towards a successful career. Your creativity will also play a huge role when you start climbing the ladder of success.

The high priestess card meaning in money :
When you start earning a steady income, you should avoid disclosing it to friends and family. At times, people can often use such confidential information against you just for personal gain.

The high priestess card meaning in health :
Taking time out for the things you like to do is important. Sometimes you might feel like going for a walk, and at other times, you might feel like eating something scrumptious. Listen to what your mind requires and fulfill those needs as soon as possible.

The high priestess card reversed meaning in love:
It’s quite possible that you have an attractive personality that someone admires. But you don’t know if you should let this person into your life or not. You might start questioning their intentions which could lead to second thoughts.

The high priestess card reversed meaning in career:
A 9-5 job is not easy. It can make you feel as if you’ve drifted away from reality. You start to feel isolated and alone, which makes you unproductive and lazy.

The high priestess card reversed meaning in money:
Always think about your financial position before you borrow money from someone. Unless you’re certain that you’ll be able to repay the lending party, you should try to find another way to build up finance.

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