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The concept of a soulmate has long been subjected to misconceptions and misunderstandings. While some dismiss its existence, metaphysics experts affirm the reality of finding a true soulmate. Contrary to the romanticized notion we often envision, soulmates are not solely romantic partners but encompass our “core team” of souls. These are individuals who traverse our entire life cycle, appearing and departing as per the lessons we are meant to learn.

Your Soul Card: This card represents your current feeling. 
Their Soul Card:
This card represents your perception of your current or future partner. 
Karma Card:
This tells about all the factors that could affect your life in the present. 
Thorns Card:
This card tells you how to overcome the obstacles you have in your life and how you can turn them into opportunities. 
The Divine Card:
This card shows the divine and wider perspective that could affect your conscience. 
The Destiny Card:
This is the destiny card that tells you how the situations and events are moving in your life. 
Magic Card:
This shows uncertain life events that are still taking form. 
Kiss of Fate Card:
This card shows the course of events that decides between your wants and what’s possible. 

When Will I Meet My Soulmate Free Tarot Reading
If you find yourself yearning to unravel the mystery of when you will encounter your soulmate, a free tarot reading can provide you with valuable insights. Through this divination practice, you can gain glimpses into the timing and circumstances surrounding this destined meeting. Allow the cards to guide you on your journey of love and discovery.

Pick your cards , get a free Soulmate Reading :

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chariot tarot card

The Chariot Tarot card contains the two sphinxes that are driving a person sitting in a vehicle. One is black, and another one is white. This card generally represents the influence, ambition, willpower, control, focus, and hard work.

The Chariot Card Upright Meaning
The Chariot card in the upright position signifies success and willpower. It suggests that besides the regular obstacles of life, you need to stay focused in order to be successful. With that, it also signals for traveling. If you’re a sportsperson, it is a signal for winning your next match.

The Chariot Card Upright Meaning in Love
If your relationship is going through a rough phase, this card suggests you and your partner should come together and conquer the emotions to make your relationship work. If you’re a single person, the card indicates that you need to move ahead in life, leaving the past bad experiences behind.

The Chariot Card Upright Meaning in Career
Stay ambitioned even though you feel stuck in your career or business. This card indicates that you should clear your mind and stay focused at work which would ultimately help you to reach your destination. It also suggests staying away from any kind of workplace politics and fights.

The Chariot Card Upright Meaning in Money
If you’re facing money obstacles, but don’t worry more as they are about to leave. All you need is to stay focused and deal with them calmly. Don’t lose your self-discipline in the process. And if you’re not having a money problem. This card signifies making better investment choices now for a safe future.

The Chariot Card Reversed Meaning
The Chariot card in reverse position signifies the lack of direction, powerlessness, aggression, and obstacles. If you’re losing focus or feeling stuck, this card will help signals making the right decisions.

The Chariot Card Reversed meaning in Love.
Just lost a relationship or failing to make your relationship work? The Chariot card in reverse position indicates that you should stop feeling overwhelmed as you cannot control everything in life. Stay patient and let things settle themselves if you’re single or desperately finding someone for a relationship, this card signals to stay patient and let love find you.

The Chariot Card Reversed Meaning in Career
Are you trying to beat the odds and working much aggressively? This card suggests to stop that and take one step at a time, or you’ll face failure in your career or business.

The Chariot Card Reversed Meaning in Money
Thinking of investing some money to get quick gains, you need to slow down a bit. As this card suggests, these fast investments could cause financial losses. So, consider doing research and make the wise investments.

the hierophant tarot card

The Hierophant tarot card is based on a society that functions according to conventional norms. The core idea behind this card is that it represents things being done legitimately, which people will follow and accept.

The Hierophant card meaning in love:
When you set out in search of true love, you can rest assured that your efforts will not go wasted. This is because you will most likely engage in a healthy relationship that will be based on a long-term commitment.

The Hierophant card meaning in career:
If you want to be successful in your career, you should avoid shortcuts at all costs. You’ll be much better off provided you take the challenging path to success.

The Hierophant card meaning in money:
Searching for unconventional ways of generating money will only drain you out. Try and figure out how other people are making money and what steps they’re taking to generate their income.

The Hierophant card meaning in health:
You will start experiencing good health once you try out the conventional means of healing. Also, try to incorporate daily exercise into your routine to enhance your immune system.

The Hierophant card reversed meaning in love:

At times a relationship can end up not conforming to the conventional norms. It’s a relationship based on inequality between the partners due to distinct genders. As a result, this can lead to a broken partnership.

The Hierophant card reversed meaning in career:
In the workplace, there can sometimes be an imbalance of power in the hierarchical chain of command. The directors or managers may use their power to make employers obey and follow their principles.

The Hierophant card reversed meaning in money:
People may give you advice in terms of earning a better living. For the most part, seeking advice is not a bad thing. However, it’s best to stick to what you’re most comfortable with, no matter how tempting other money-making ventures may seem.

the empress

The Empress Tarot card consists of a throned mature woman surrounded by true nature. Her outlook represents the goddess and luxury. There is greenery everywhere in her surrounding. This Empress card overall represents nature and femininity.

Empress Card Upright Meaning
The Upright Empress card denotes creativity, abundance, and sensuality. It connects us with the nature and happiness of life. Also, helps the people to understand themselves better and bring happiness in their life.

Empress Card Upright Meaning in Love
In an upright manner, the Empathy card has a very positive indication for both people, singles, and couples. If you’re in a relationship, it signifies that your partner is truly committed. Also, it indicates romance, sex, and pregnancy. So, if you’re not ready, better start keeping the safety. For singles, it’s a signal that they will be getting their right one pretty soon.

Empress Card Upright Meaning in Career
Having a nurturing environment at your workplace would help you in boosting the momentum. This card represents creativity and inspiration. If you’re joining a new place, you’ll get the company of very good co-workers.

Empress Card Upright Meaning in Money
If having a bad time dealing with Finances, this card signifies the upcoming good flow of money. So, if you’re thinking about investing, go for it.

Empress card reversed has a negative indication. It points out insecurity, lack of growth, and negligence. One must embrace himself of their feminine qualities, be it, men or women, because we all have them inside us. Embracing them will help us to grow, and this card is the indicator of that.

Empress Card Reversed meaning in Love:
If you love your partner and not giving her enough attention due to any reason. This card indicates that he or she needs it to boost self-worth. You can try making little gestures like taking your partner on a dinner date or movie or try some romantic gift. For single, it’s an indication of many potential people who will try to ask you out soon.

Empress Card Reversed Meaning in Career:
If you’re in a career or business which is not of your interest. This card indicates you take the bold decision and stop following it. Instead, follow your true interest, which will make you successful without draining the energy out of you.

Empress Card Reversed Meaning in Money:
Sometimes we find ourselves feeling unstable even after having enough finances. The reason might be something not right inside you. This card suggests that you should not ignore this feeling and deal with your inner self, and start being confident about yourself. Make all the reasonable investment choices, don’t help back!

The Lovers card consists of two lovers, a man and a woman. There is an angel between whose blessing and protecting them. The couple is nude, and their body posture shows that they are happy and secured. This card generally signifies the temptation, balance, and union between two opposite forces.

The Lovers Card Upright Meaning:
The Lovers card in the upright position overall represents the Soul mates, relationships, desires, and sexual connections. This helps one to understand what he values in his life. So, you can make better choices and bring your life the right balance.
The Lovers Card Upright Meaning in Love :
We all make sacrifices for something we love. This card signals the same that you need to make sacrifices to have true love. The love can be in between partners, friends, and even families. If you’re not doing well in a relationship with any single of them, you need to sacrifice your ego or yourself to make the relationships work.

The Lovers Card Upright Meaning in Career:
If you’re looking for a partner in your business, this card may be a signal for the right one. This partnership would be successful for both of you. But there would surely risk attached with it which you must intend to take.

The Lovers Card Upright Meaning in Money :
As humans, we all are afraid to take risks. Especially the financial risks because they can make or break the person. The Lovers card in the upright position signals to make big decisions now. You might need to choose between several investments. So, take risks and choose wisely. It will open new doors for you.

The Lovers card reversed indicates trusting issues and conflicts. Sometimes these things ruin relationships, and we find ourselves clueless that what to do—this card aids in making those critical decisions.

The Lovers Card Reversed meaning in Love:
Is your relationship has lost all its warmth and become cold? The reversed Lovers card indicates the detached partner and signals towards the imbalanced relationship. You need to make efforts and resolve the issues to get closer to each other once again.

The Lovers Card Reversed Meaning in Career:
Conflicts among partners and colleagues bring disaster to business or the workplace. This card indicates you should work on them and ensure that you and your partner are on the same page prior to making any business arrangement; otherwise, the business might cause you a huge loss.

The Lovers Card Reversed Meaning in Money:
If you’re being driven by your impulses and squandering money, this card is the signal that your financial position might get compromised soon. So, it’s time to make the wises choices and spend your money more responsively on the things you can genuinely afford.

hanged man

The Hanged Man Tarot card shows an upside-down man hanged by his leg to a tree. The hanging man represents free will. We can say that by observing that his left foot is free and his hands are behind his back while his facial expressions are serene. Generally, this card signals uncertainty, the situation of being trapped into something willingly, and a lackness of the right direction.

The Hanged Man Card Upright Meaning
In an upright direction, this card signals sacrifice and contemplation. This card helps you in making critical decisions that are ultimately best for you.

The Hanged Man Card Upright Meaning in Love
If you’re in a relationship that is not so romantic and joyful at the moment. The Hanged man card in an upright position signifies that you need to step back and give your relationship a rest. In that time, you and your partner could rethink the relationship and make it better. Or, if you find that you’re not happy, you can call this relationship off willingly. If you’re single, this signals that you should get out of the negative people circle and release all the negative feelings.

The Hanged ManCard Upright Meaning in Career
Are you not sure about your job or next business? This card can be a signal to take some time out to plan your next move.

The Hanged Man Card Upright Meaning in Money
If you’re struggling with money, this is card signals towards the opportunity to turn that situation into money. Look around yourself and change your perspective about money, opening your mind to pick the right move.

The Hanged Man Card Reversed Meaning

The Hanged Man in reversed position denotes negative patterns, stagnation. This card might be an indication for you that you’re making bad decisions impulsively, and you need to stop and consider the situation.

The Hanged Man Card Reversed meaning in Love.

It’s time to make some changes in your love life if you’re in a relationship. You need to revamp it without making the unnecessary sacrifice. This will balance your relationship. If you’re single, this card indicates that the wait is over. You need to fresh your mind from toxic ex-relationships, and you’ll be soon meeting your soulmate.

The Hanged ManCard Reversed Meaning in Career

If things are not going well in your career, this career signals stalling for some time and take the decision on which you’ve been procrastinating for a long time. Stop sacrificing yourself for a career. Once you do that, you will seek new opportunities.

The Hanged Man Card Reversed Meaning in Money

Do you always find yourself in a situation where you hesitate to take the final step in making any investment? If that’s true, this card indicates that you need to figure yourself out well and take the next step. You can take counseling from a financial expert as well.

the moon tarot card

If the moon appears as one of the last cards in your reading, it indicates that your soul’s journey is coming to an end. rd, You should isolate yourself from distractions and turn into your inner world for a long journey of discovery. You may have many unanswered questions in mind about love, career or health, and the answers you are looking for are inside you. To find answers, You just need to focus on your inner world and isolate yourself from outside distractions. The moon card may also be telling you not to let your fears interrupt your love & life goals.


The moon card is a strong indication of new decisions, new paths, or a desire for change. If your partner is not willing to change you could decide separating. If you are not in a relationship but have strong interest in somebody, watch out. Your interest may have a secret agenda.

The reversed moon card can be an indication of the imbalance in your life. It may also be a suggestion for you to seek assistance from a professional or a loved one around you.


You may be experiencing some difficulties with your coworkers at your workplace, try to communicate with them. Clarifying things may be difficult sometimes but it is essential to find the balance in your career. If you are currently unemployed, do not feel lost. Always try to explore new opportunities. You will eventually find something that fits you.


This may be an indication of an unhealthy mental state . Speaking to a health professional or a loved one can turn things around.

the devil tarot card

The upright version has an illustration of a creature having both man and goat-like features. Two individuals who appear to be humans are attached to the stool with chains on which the Devil is standing. The card indicates negativity, materialism, void, lust, and entrapment.

The Devil Card meaning in Love:
In a love reading Devil represents lust and desire. It indicates that someone is not ready for commitment, just wanting something temporary. It indicates addiction and dependency.

The Devil Card meaning in Career:
In terms of career, it indicates the feeling of stillness and enforcement. A person might feel that he is forced to work at the current job or pursue a certain career regardless of his own choice.

The Devil Card meaning in Money:
It shows that a person is having difficulty handling the finances, or they simply have poor management skills when it comes to money. They are spending way too much, and this keeps them stressed.

The Devil Card meaning in Health:
In terms of health, it means that a person is overindulging in some factors that can influence their overall health. It also indicates mental health problems.

The reversed version represents the moment of self-awareness where a person overcomes bad habits and addictive behaviour. It indicates that an individual can regain lost dignity.

The Devil Card reversed meaning in Love:
This represents the tendency to come out of a hurtful situation to know what you want from life in terms of love.

The Devil Card reversed meaning in Career:
In a career reading, the card emphasizes that you don’t depend on your job to seek stability in your life anymore. It also means that a person is fully capable of flourishing in terms of career.

the fool tarot card

The Fool Card meaning in Love
If you are single and looking for a girlfriend this card indicates that you never have a hard time to find someone to get in a romantic relationship. Your future girlfriend is going to be a fun person to hang out with although she might not be ready yet for a long term relationship.

If you are already taken, the card can be an indication of something exciting between you and your partner and accomplishment of something together. This can be marriage, engagement , experiencing something new, travelling to new destinations and etc.. If you want to find out more about how your potential partner feels about you, the fool card indicates that your partner enjoys spending time with you however she / he is not ready to settle down with anyone yet.

Upright fool card is a clear indication of an unexpected new adventure that may require you to be courageous to take some risks. If you do, you will be well rewarded. This card can also mean travelling to new destinations and experiencing new cultures.

The Fool Card Meaning in Career
The fool card indicates your dedication and love for your job or business . Try to focus on core important elements of your work rather than focusing creative and fun stuff. The Fool is a great card to receive when you’re just beginning a new job or business venture, the only drawback being that you can be so enthusiastic about your work that you stop acting like a professional. Success is around the corner if you let go of your fears and devote yourself to your career .

The fool card meaning in Money
Sign of opportunities and advancement in your career. It’s a clear indication that you will be rewarded very soon. It can also be the sign of a new business project or a promotion

The fool card meaning in health
If you are healthy , you can expect to stay that way. If you are sick , you will get better soon!

The fool card reversed meaning
It’s an indication of ignorant negligent behavior. You should stop disregarding the effects of your actions on other people around you.

The fool card reversed meaning in Love :
If you are in a relationship, one of you is not very serious. One of you loves being free and independent and this will sour your relationship. The card suggests that you don’t have a future together as a couple.

The fool reversed meaning in career:
Definitely not a good time to invest in something or to start new projects. The reversed fool card is actually a warning for you. Things may seem too good to be true and you should be very careful when taking decisions.

Flip All Cards

Drawing Your Soulmate: Free Online Soulmate Sketch and Drawing

In your quest for understanding, you may also seek visual representations of your soulmate. Embrace the opportunity to draw your soulmate for free online or indulge in a soulmate sketch, which can evoke a deeper connection to the energy and essence of this special person. Let your creativity flow as you bring forth images that resonate with your soul’s desires.

Exploring the Depths: Free Psychic Soulmate Reading

Beyond tarot readings and artistic expressions, the realm of psychic insights awaits. Engage in a free psychic soulmate reading, where gifted individuals tap into their intuitive abilities to provide you with profound guidance. Delve into the intricacies of your soulmate connection and gain clarity on the emotional, spiritual, and energetic aspects that bind you together.

The Idea of Twin Flame: 

According to romantic theories, not everyone is meant to discover their soulmate during their lives. Even if you marry someone who isn’t your soulmate, you can still have a wonderful and fulfilling life together. This is referred to as the Twin Flame by tarot experts. The term “twin flame” refers not just to a lifetime mate, but also to souls who do not arrive at the same moment as you. Some people meet their soulmates as children, while others meet for the first time in their adult lives. Every time we have an important lesson that demands us to emphasize, this Twin flame could either materialize in various forms or not at all to ensure that we do our work effectively. 

How Tarot Reading for Soulmate Work

Some of the most common questions that come to our mind when we go looking for our soulmate reading are: 

  1. When Am I Going to Meet My Next Soulmate? 

The Star card has the greatest “spark” in this question of all the tarot cards. This card can be used on its own whenever it appears. Meanwhile, here are some other timing cards and their meanings:

  1. Is this a man or a woman?

The odd numbers in your card suggest that your soulmate is a woman, while an even number suggests that it’s a man. 

  1. Is it possible that they’re twin flames?

This question is usually answered no in a tarot reading. However, in some cases, it does, and this is shown when the star card appears. This isn’t scary, so don’t be alarmed. A twin flame isn’t always the person with whom you’ll share your entire life. Your chosen companion may be someone completely out of your league at times. It could either be someone close to you or someone you’ve just met for the very first time. 

  1. What do we have in common from our previous lives?

The two cards chosen to answer this question tell the tale of the asker’s connection with his or her soul mate in a nutshell. It tests the tarot reader’s ability to tell a tale using only the two cards available. The reader is not able to tell which card is which, regardless of what the cards are. Instead, she concentrates on the situation’s overall energies as depicted by the cards. She also considers the Karmic balancing requirements in that particular case.

  1. What function do they play in my life?

The cards depict the interaction between the investigator and the chosen soulmate when it comes to understanding their roles in each other’s life. Wands represent friendship, hearts represent lovers, pentacles represent soul mates, and swords represent adversarial connections, according to the suits of the cards. This card indicates that the other person’s chemistry irritates them.

  1. How Will I Track Them Down?

There are times when a standard interpretation is all that is required to understand the answer to this inquiry. The Knight of Cups, for example, emphasizes feeling and creativity as a path to love and heart. If the person meets his soulmate in a scenario where he is drawn into a unique outlook, something that can make a real difference in humanity, such as participation in a community activity.

  1. What Will Our First Impressions Be?

To answer this, it must utilize a conventional interpretation. There was always the risk of more intellectual bickering instead of tender emotional attachment in this situation.

  1. Will They Be A Short-term or Long-term Fixture In My Life?

The tarot reader will return to the suit indicators to answer this:

When it comes to a specific period:

So, if we want someone to tell us who our soul mate is and we want to use the power of the tarot cards, we can cut the reading from nine to six, as follows:

Yes (Major Arcana)/ No (Minor Arcana).

The same interpretation of cards. 

The same interpretation of cards.

The same interpretation of cards.

The same interpretation of cards.

The same interpretation of cards.

The same interpretation of cards.

At various periods in our lives, we come into contact with various types of people. We can appear to others as anyone. Regardless, each of us has a unique story about a soul mate, and these individuals can have a profound impact on anyone’s life. These individuals are ideally fitted in various situations to deliver the best life lessons that no one else can provide. It’s wonderful to be enthusiastic while also being aware of them—where to find them, when to find them, and how to find them. We should know how to turn the lemons life give us into lemon cakes!

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